Do you read book reviews posted about your books?
Not if I can help it. Every author I know gets bad reviews and I choose not to let mine ruin my day.
How can I get a signed book?
I occasionally do signings in bookstores and will post about it whenever I have one coming up.
What things do you like doing when not involved in a new book?
I love to bake. It relaxes me after a day of writing and takes my creative energy in a different direction. My hubby loves the results!
Do you have any tips for new writers?
Write something every day, whether it’s a blog post, a diary entry, or a work in progress. Practice is the key to becoming a professional writer.
Are you working on a new book now?
Yes! I’m working on a romantic suspense novel set in the rural community in Wisconsin where I go twice a year to write.
Where do you get ideas for your characters?
My characters are composites of people I know, never based on any one individual. Sometimes they spring into my head fully-formed.
Do you make quest appearances?
I occasionally speak at writers’ conferences. I used to do a lot of them, along with TV and radio, but nowadays I prefer to stay home and write.