Every year at this time I think about the year gone by, starting with, how did it go by so fast? It was easier to keep track of time when my kids were young, like the ladder of pencil marks on the door frame marking their heights as they grew. Now it's a blur. I don't really make … [Read more...] about Christmas Ruminations
Let Them Eat Cake
Gift giving can be tricky. With many of my loved ones we solved the annual dilemma of what to give one another for Christmas simply by giving the gift of not giving--as in not having to stress about it. If one of us sees something we think the other would like, at another time of … [Read more...] about Let Them Eat Cake
Cyber Monday
Don't know about you, but I simply cannot face the crowds in stores around the holidays. Those TV reports of the mobs descending on Victoria's Secret? Sheer madness. Online shopping is my preferred mode, and if you're taking advantage of Cyber Monday, just thought I'd share … [Read more...] about Cyber Monday
From Forest Path to Red Carpet
My life has been one of extremes. I don't know if this is because I was dropped on my head as an infant or what, but it is so, and I no longer question it. This fall was a good example. I had the opportunity to stay at a friend's house on a lake in Wisconsin. I seized it gladly - … [Read more...] about From Forest Path to Red Carpet