My son is homeless. I don’t have an address for him. My calls go straight to his voicemail. I hear from him only when he’s someplace where he can get his phone charged. I don’t know how much longer he’ll even have a phone. I don’t know whether he’s hungry or cold or safe. He’s … [Read more...] about If You See My Son Could You Spare Him a Dime?
The Story Around the Corner
True story. So, I was vacationing in North Carolina this past summer and I went to visit my friend and critique partner Donna Ball one day (I wrote about Donna in an early post titled “Partners in Crime.”) Donna lives in Rabun County, Georgia, roughly an hour’s drive from where I … [Read more...] about The Story Around the Corner
I came across a funny quote in a blog I follow. In Type M For Murder, fellow author Rick Blechta wrote, “In 20 years when kids ask about the 2020 Toilet Paper Shortage, I’m telling them we had to drag our butts across the lawn…in the snow…uphill. Both ways.” It made me laugh out … [Read more...] about ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE
The other day I was saying to my critique partner, Donna, “It seems I have 20/20 vision when I’m editing and I’m legally blind when I’m writing.” So true! When I’m writing I often feel like I’m stumbling around without my glasses on and can’t see more than two feet in front of … [Read more...] about PARTNERS IN CRIME