“No peeking.” The Christmas mantra of my childhood. Closets that held unwrapped gifts were strictly off-limits. You picked at any tear on a wrapped gift at your own peril. I remember when I used to eyeball the gifts piled underneath our Christmas tree, summoning my X-ray vision … [Read more...] about ‘Tis the Season
I didn’t get around to sending Thanksgiving greetings this year. I’ve been on a writing streak and I was busy in the kitchen yesterday. This year, instead of the usual Thanksgiving menu, I prepared a vegetarian meal. Instead of turkey and stuffing, we ate stuffed portobello … [Read more...] about WHAT I’M THANKFUL FOR
My Two Favorite Words
It’s just two words. The two words that are the sweetest in the English language to me and every other author I know. They usually come after weeks and months of toil and tens of thousands of words written at all hours of the day and night, often at the expense of other … [Read more...] about My Two Favorite Words
I’m a recipe junkie. If there’s a recipe in a magazine I’m reading that looks good, I’m reaching for my scissors (or surreptitiously tearing it out if I’m in a doctor’s office waiting room). My recipe folder is so fat with clippings, I’d have to live to be a hundred and fifty to … [Read more...] about MY NOT-SO-SECRET OBSESSION